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Dark dimension is in 5th dimension? 

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The concept of a "dark dimension" with a characteristic length-scale in the micron range has been proposed as a solution to the cosmological hierarchy problem. This dark dimension is believed to exist in the fifth dimension . It has been suggested that the smallness of dark energy can be attributed to this internal dimension, and the universal coupling of Standard Model fields to the massive spin-2 Kaluza-Klein (KK) excitations of the graviton in this dark dimension leads to a dark matter candidate . The model also accommodates neutrino masses associated with right-handed neutrinos propagating in the bulk of the dark dimension . Additionally, the impact of the KK tower in cosmology has been studied, including the modulation of redshifted 21-cm lines driven by KK gravitons decaying into photons, which could be observed in next-generation experiments . Finally, the model parameters required for a successful uniform inflation driven by a 5-dimensional cosmological constant have been explored .

Answers from top 4 papers

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Papers (4)Insight
Journal ArticleDOI
16 Dec 2022
6 Citations
The paper does not explicitly mention whether the dark dimension is in the 5th dimension or not.
Open accessPosted ContentDOI
16 Dec 2022
The paper does not explicitly mention whether the dark dimension is in the 5th dimension or not.
Open accessJournal ArticleDOI
03 Jan 2023
1 Citations
The paper does not explicitly mention a "dark dimension" in the fifth dimension. The paper discusses the dynamics of a four-dimensional manifold embedded in various five-dimensional backgrounds, including de Sitter space.
The paper does not mention anything about a "dark dimension" in the fifth dimension. The paper discusses the dynamics of a four-dimensional manifold embedded in various five-dimensional backgrounds, but it does not specifically mention a "dark dimension."

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