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Describe and provide suitable example to justify how png offering leisure tourism in the country? 

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Papua New Guinea (PNG) offers leisure tourism through various avenues such as community-based tourism (CBT), wildlife tourism, ethnic tourism, and strategic planning for overall tourism development. CBT initiatives in rural PNG villages have shown positive outcomes by integrating tourism with sustainable livelihoods and Melanesian values . Additionally, PNG's rich biodiversity, especially in birds, marine wildlife, and some terrestrial invertebrates, presents significant wildlife tourism potential . Ethnic tourism in PNG showcases cultural experiences and traditions, contributing to the tourism sector's growth . However, challenges like lack of strategic planning and government involvement have hindered PNG's tourism industry growth, emphasizing the need for a strategic approach to tourism development . An example of leisure tourism in PNG is the promotion of bilum art, reflecting the country's unique and unexpected cultural offerings .

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Open access
01 Jan 1996
2 Citations
Papua New Guinea offers leisure tourism through its untapped potential, despite underdevelopment. Lack of strategic planning hinders progress. Example: Lack of national tourism goal and strategy.
Papua New Guinea offers leisure tourism through 'ethnic tourism' showcasing cultural experiences. For example, cultural festivals and village stays attract tourists seeking authentic cultural immersion.
Papua New Guinea offers leisure tourism through wildlife tourism, focusing on birds, marine wildlife, and some terrestrial invertebrates due to their high attractiveness to tourists.
Papua New Guinea offers leisure tourism through community-based tourism ventures in rural villages, integrating Melanesian values like clan identity and cooperation for sustainable development.
Not addressed in the paper.

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