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Detailing the mental, economic consequences, damage to livelihood, etc. following the distribution of a deep-fake video? 

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The distribution of deep-fake videos can have severe consequences on individuals and society. Mentally, these videos can manipulate perceptions, causing psychological harm and threatening political stability . Economically, deep-fakes can disrupt businesses by spreading false information, impacting commerce and potentially damaging livelihoods . The dissemination of fabricated content through deep-fakes can lead to the spread of disinformation, increasing cyber risks in financial technology applications and magnifying traditional fraud threats . Detecting these videos is crucial to prevent such harm, with proposed methods including the use of convolutional neural networks and long short-term memory to distinguish between real and fake video frames . Overall, the impact of deep-fake videos extends to mental health, economic stability, and cybersecurity, highlighting the need for vigilance and awareness in combating this technology.

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Not addressed in the paper.
Not addressed in the paper.
Deep-Fake videos can lead to severe consequences like damaging credibility of individuals, impacting democracy, and influencing commerce. Regulations, policies, and awareness are crucial for mitigation.
DeepFake technology poses threats to psychology, political stability, and business disruption. It can lead to mental distress, economic harm, and damage to livelihoods through fabricated media manipulation.
Not addressed in the paper.

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