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Do autistic people struggle with establishing when acquaintances become friends? 

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Autistic individuals often face challenges in establishing friendships due to difficulties in social communication, social interaction, and perspective on friendships . They may struggle with recognizing when acquaintances transition into friends, impacting their ability to form and maintain meaningful relationships. Teaching friendship skills to adolescents with autism is crucial, as they encounter obstacles in making new friends and engaging in group activities . Limited positive friendship quality reported by autistic (pre-) adolescents emphasizes the need for support in fostering friendships, especially by educating non-autistic peers on how to be supportive friends . Understanding the unique social-cognitive processing and challenges faced by autistic individuals is essential in creating conducive environments to facilitate friendships with both autistic and neurotypical peers .

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Autistic (pre-) adolescents may struggle with discerning when acquaintances transition into friends due to concerns about rejection, conversation maintenance, and friendship insecurity.
Yes, individuals with autism spectrum disorder may face challenges in recognizing when acquaintances transition into friends due to difficulties in making and maintaining friendships.
Adolescents with ASD struggle with making new friends, indicating challenges in establishing when acquaintances become friends, as highlighted in the study on teaching friendship skills to individuals with ASD.
Autistic individuals, like adolescents with autism spectrum conditions, may find it challenging to discern when acquaintances transition into friendships due to difficulties in social interactions and understanding social cues.
Autistic individuals may face challenges in discerning when acquaintances transition into friends due to social communication difficulties and restricted interests, impacting their social relationships.

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