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Do stair climbing exercise "snacks" improve cardiorespiratory fitness? 

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Stair climbing exercise "snacks" have been shown to improve cardiorespiratory fitness. Studies have found that performing brief bouts of stair climbing throughout the day can increase peak oxygen uptake (VO2peak) in sedentary young adults . Additionally, breaking up prolonged sitting with hourly stair climbing exercise snacks has been found to lower postprandial insulin and free fatty acid levels in adults with overweight/obesity . Another study compared traditional sprint interval training (SIT) with sprint snacks, which involved brief bursts of vigorous exercise spread throughout the day. Both protocols resulted in similar improvements in cardiorespiratory fitness, as measured by VO2peak . Furthermore, a high-intensity interval stair climbing intervention was found to increase VO2peak in participants with coronary artery disease, similar to traditional moderate-intensity exercise . Therefore, the evidence suggests that stair climbing exercise snacks can be an effective way to improve cardiorespiratory fitness.

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The paper does not provide information on the effect of stair climbing exercise "snacks" on cardiorespiratory fitness. The paper is about the metabolic effects of breaking up prolonged sitting with stair climbing exercise "snacks."
Yes, stair climbing exercise "snacks" have been shown to improve cardiorespiratory fitness (Little et al. 2019).
The paper does not provide a direct answer to whether stair climbing exercise "snacks" improve cardiorespiratory fitness. The study investigates the effect of stair climbing on peak oxygen uptake in sedentary young adults.

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