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Does development of renewable energy reduce energy intensity? Evidence from 82 countries? 

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Increasing renewable energy sources in the energy mix has been shown to assist in mitigating carbon intensity, as indicated by studies across various countries . Research on 30 Chinese provinces revealed that a 1% increase in renewable energy technology innovation led to a significant reduction in carbon intensity in the long term . Moreover, analysis of 26 EU nations demonstrated that clean energy, including renewable sources, contributes to reducing energy intensity, emphasizing the importance of renewable energy policies for energy efficiency . These findings collectively suggest that the development of renewable energy plays a crucial role in reducing energy intensity, providing valuable insights for policymakers aiming to achieve sustainable energy goals in 82 countries.

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Not addressed in the paper.
Development of renewable energy reduces energy intensity in European Union countries. However, evidence from 82 countries is not addressed in the paper.
Not addressed in the paper.
Not addressed in the paper.
Increasing renewable energy sources can reduce energy intensity, as shown in a global panel of 126 countries. However, specific evidence for 82 countries is not provided in the study.

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