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Does epidural anaesthesia or increased cortisol levels affect oxytocin levels more? 

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Epidural anesthesia and increased cortisol levels have distinct impacts on oxytocin levels. Research indicates that epidural analgesia can influence oxytocin release. Additionally, cortisol administration has been shown to induce both decreases and increases in oxytocin levels, with the cortisol-induced increase in oxytocin associated with specific effects on memory and stress responses. Furthermore, studies have demonstrated that epidural analgesia can inhibit the increase in cortisol levels observed under general anesthesia. Overall, while epidural anesthesia can affect oxytocin release and cortisol levels, cortisol administration can lead to complex interactions with oxytocin levels, influencing memory and stress responses.

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Epidural analgesia inhibits cortisol increase, impacting endocrine responses. Oxytocin levels are not addressed in the study. Therefore, the effect of epidural anesthesia on oxytocin levels remains unknown.
Epidural anesthesia affects oxytocin levels more than increased cortisol levels during breastfeeding, as it reduces oxytocin release and maternal adaptations, impacting breastfeeding initiation.
Increased cortisol levels have a greater impact on oxytocin levels compared to epidural anesthesia, as cortisol administration induced both a decrease and an increase in oxytocin levels.
Epidural anesthesia slightly reduces maternal cortisol levels during labor, while oxytocin administration is associated with lower cortisol levels, independent of epidural use.

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