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Does fake news impact gen z digital media literacy? 

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Fake news does impact Generation Z digital media literacy. Studies reveal that Generation Z shows a surprising lack of trust in social media as a reliable source of information, with a notable consumption of content related to politics, entertainment, humor, and music. Despite using social media for various purposes like uploading photos, messaging, and accessing information, Generation Z tends to check the truth when encountering hoax news. However, their online media literacy skills in responding to hoax news are still at a basic level, indicating a need for improvement through training and support initiatives. Generation Z is found to consume media they trust the least, particularly social networks, which they perceive as the main source of fake news distribution, emphasizing the necessity for enhanced media literacy.

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Fake news impacts Gen Z digital media literacy as they tend to check the truth when encountering hoax information on social media, enhancing their digital ethics and skills.
Generation Z's heavy consumption of social media, despite recognizing it as a source of fake news, highlights the need for enhanced digital media literacy to combat the impact of fake news.
Fake news impacts Gen Z's digital media literacy due to their high social media use, distrust in traditional media, and consumption of varied content, highlighting the need for enhanced media literacy.
Gen Z in Kendari City shows basic online media literacy skills in handling hoax news, indicating fake news impacts their digital media literacy, especially in the post-truth era.

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