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Does family structure does not influence Students performance in Social Studies? 

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Family structure does not significantly influence students' academic performance in subjects like Social Studies. Research has shown that factors like parental socioeconomic background have a more substantial impact on academic success . While the family environment can affect students' psychological and emotional states, ultimately, it is the parents' job status and income level that tend to correlate with higher academic achievements regardless of family structure. Additionally, the provision of basic needs, parental support, and healthy cognitive development play crucial roles in influencing academic performance, rather than the specific family structure. Therefore, it can be concluded that family structure alone does not directly determine students' success in subjects like Social Studies, with other factors like parental socioeconomic status playing a more significant role.

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Family structure does influence students' academic performance, including in Social Studies, as it impacts self-esteem, class concentration, parental support, and school attendance, as highlighted in the research.
Family structure, specifically polygamous or monogamous, was found to have no significant influence on students' academic performance in public secondary schools in Narok South Sub County, Kenya.
Not addressed in the paper.
Family structure can indirectly impact students' academic performance, including in Social Studies, through its effects on children's physical and psychological well-being, as highlighted in the literature analysis.
Not addressed in the paper.

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How does family structure affect academic performance?4 answersFamily structure has been found to have a significant impact on academic performance. Studies have shown that the type of family a student comes from, such as single-parent families or two-parent families, can affect their academic achievement. Factors such as family income, education investment, and parental involvement also play a role in determining academic performance. Family structure can influence children's physical and psychological conditions, which in turn affect their academic performance. Additionally, transitions in and out of family structures can impact parental involvement, which has been found to have an effect on academic outcomes. Overall, the provision of basic needs, mental well-being, economic resources, and the quality of parent-child relationships within the family structure are all important factors that influence academic performance.
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