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Does globalization depend on the leadership effort? 

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Globalization's success is intricately linked to leadership efforts . Effective leaders play a crucial role in leveraging globalization for organizational performance by embracing diverse cultural practices, implementing modern strategies, and enhancing communication with international stakeholders . Global leaders must navigate the complexities of global forces, such as diversity and interdependence, to drive sustainable organizational growth . The integration of economic and political realities in the global landscape requires leaders to act as interface mechanisms, building humanistic organizational environments amidst cultural collisions . Furthermore, successful global leaders must understand and adapt to various cultural environments, fostering cultural agility and embracing diversity to lead effectively in a globalized world .

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Yes, globalization depends on leadership effort as leaders must understand cultural differences, manage multinational organizations, and develop culturally diverse employees to succeed in the globalized world.
Globalization requires global leadership to navigate the integration of diverse constructs and interface with geopolitical infrastructures, emphasizing the importance of leadership effort in the global landscape.
Globalization necessitates leadership effort, as global corporates face diverse challenges requiring leaders with global skills. Effective global leaders play a crucial role in navigating multinational, multi-cultural environments.
Yes, globalization's impact is influenced by leadership efforts. Effective leaders can mobilize citizens, implement reforms, and maximize the benefits of globalization, as seen in Singapore, China, and India.
Yes, leadership plays a crucial role in managing the impacts of globalization by reducing cultural crises and improving organizational performance through advanced strategies and cross-cultural practices.

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