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Does performance expenctancy have no significant on use behavior? 

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Performance expectancy (PE) has shown to have a significant positive effect on use behavior in various studies. For instance, research on e-audit adoption found that PE positively influences use behavior . Similarly, a study on the impact of performance expectations on communication technology use behavior also highlighted the significant effect of PE on actual use and use intention . Moreover, in the context of hospital EMR technology, performance expectation was found to directly impact technology use, emphasizing its importance in influencing behavior . Therefore, based on the data from these studies, it can be concluded that performance expectancy does have a significant impact on use behavior, contradicting the notion that it has no significant effect.

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Performance expectations significantly influence use behavior, impacting both intention and actual use of internet communication technology, as indicated in the study.
Performance expectancy has a significant direct effect on technology use EMR and an indirect effect through behavioral intention, as per the study conducted in a tertiary hospital in Indonesia.
Performance expectancy has a significant positive effect on use behavior in e-audit adoption, as indicated in the research findings.

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