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Does providing AI recommendation ease cognitive process in forecasting during uncertain period? 

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Providing AI recommendations can indeed ease the cognitive process in forecasting during uncertain periods. AI advisory systems, equipped with causal models and decision-making frameworks, help link potential actions to outcome probabilities, aiding in decision-making under uncertainty . Additionally, AI models can reduce prediction uncertainty, overcome data sparsity, and enhance item recommendation accuracy by leveraging auxiliary information through multitask learning approaches . Furthermore, when individuals engage deeply with AI explanations, they not only make better decisions but also experience learning gains, showcasing the cognitive benefits of interacting with AI recommendations . Human decision makers in AI-assisted scenarios tend to adopt AI recommendations based on their judgment, confidence levels, and the stakes involved in the decision-making task .

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Open accessProceedings ArticleDOI
Krzysztof Z. Gajos, Lena Mamykina 
11 Feb 2022
28 Citations
Not addressed in the paper.
Yes, AI recommendation eases cognitive processes in forecasting during uncertainty by explaining decisions through causal models, aiding in understanding outcomes and risks, as discussed in the paper.
In AI-assisted decision making, human cognitive processes are influenced by AI recommendations, impacting utility evaluation and action selection, potentially easing forecasting during uncertain periods.

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