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Does rhis drawing tools and equipment play a vital role in technical drafting ?why? 

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Drawing tools and equipment play a crucial role in technical drafting by aiding in visualizing objects accurately, improving spatial cognition, and enhancing students' visualization skills . These tools, such as sections, detailed views, and line drawing equipment, help communicate design intent effectively, reduce repetitive work, and facilitate the generation of precise drawings . Additionally, the development of 3D interactive AR/VR teaching systems further enhances engineering and product design students' understanding of complex topics related to technical drawing skills, contributing to a more comprehensive learning experience . Overall, the utilization of drawing tools and equipment not only streamlines the drafting process but also plays a vital role in improving students' visualization abilities and technical proficiency in engineering drawing courses.

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The development of AR/VR tools enhances technical drawing by improving student understanding through interactive teaching systems, facilitating complex topics, and meeting students' needs effectively.
The line drawing equipment described in the paper plays a vital role in technical drafting by automating the process of drawing welded joint calibration lines, reducing repetitive work for welding workers.
15 Jul 1982
22 Citations
The drafting equipment holder plays a vital role in technical drafting by providing organized storage for templates and triangles, facilitating easy access and movement along the drawing board eraser trough.
Mixed reality tools play a vital role in technical drafting by enhancing students' visualization skills through real-time 3D object projection, aiding in spatial cognition and geometric reasoning in engineering drawing courses.
26 May 2023
Drawing tools like sections, auxiliary views, and detailed views are crucial in technical drafting as they enhance communication of design intent by showing interior features, dimensions, and maintaining drawing clarity.

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