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Does the ratio of students to teachers have an impact on retention rates and overall school satisfaction? 

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The ratio of students to teachers does have a significant impact on retention rates and overall school satisfaction. Research indicates that a lower student-teacher ratio leads to improved student academic performance, behavior, and teacher workload. Additionally, job satisfaction among teachers is crucial for student achievement, as dissatisfied teachers tend to have weaker relationships with students, leading to increased classroom management issues. Studies have shown that supportive school leadership, effective professional development, and access to school resources positively influence teacher retention and overall job satisfaction. While some studies have found a correlation between class size and teacher turnover, the impact on retention rates may vary depending on factors like student achievement and demographics. Overall, maintaining an optimal student-teacher ratio is essential for enhancing retention rates and fostering a positive school environment.

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The teacher-learner ratio negatively affects teaching quality and resource provision, potentially impacting retention rates and school satisfaction due to challenges in supporting individual learners.
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