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Fuction of signpositing in a sentence "Bless you"? 

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The phrase "Bless you" functions as a signpositing in a sentence by conveying a blessing or well-wishing to someone. It is used to express good wishes or to invoke divine favor upon someone. The cognitive perception of the blessing involves praising God and mediating God's favor to humans . The act of blessing is not limited to words alone, but also involves the power that the human mind attaches to it . Sign language, like spoken language, is a fully fledged language with its own formal grammatical structures and lexicons . Sign languages have been shown to have internal sublexical structures similar to spoken languages, and sign language grammatical structure follows linguistic rules . The phrase "Bless you" can be expressed in sign language as a fully formed and meaningful sign, conveying the same well-wishing and blessing as in spoken language .

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The function of signposting in the sentence "Bless you" is to convey a blessing or well-wishing to someone.

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