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How A Peer Mentoring Program Influences on An Adaptation to School Life: A Preliminary Research for Developing A Program? 

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A peer mentoring program can significantly influence the adaptation to school life by providing various forms of support and guidance to students. Research has shown that such programs can lead to increased social support, agency in prosocial pursuits, and greater purpose engagement among participants, meeting their basic needs and supporting purpose exploration during challenging times . Additionally, the intensity of peer mentoring received, mentor attributes, time invested in mentoring, and the wellness component of the program all play crucial roles in influencing adjustment outcomes for students . Furthermore, peer-based mentoring programs have been found to effectively reduce depression symptoms among college students, highlighting the positive impact of such initiatives on mental health and well-being . Overall, structured peer mentoring programs can be instrumental in assisting students in their transition to school life, promoting academic, social, and personal integration into the educational environment .

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A large-group peer mentoring program in an under-resourced higher education environment positively influences students' academic, social, and personal integration, aiding in their adaptation to university life.
Peer mentorship programs significantly influence student behaviors, reducing disruptive behaviors by 59.2% in informal settlement schools in Nairobi County, Kenya, enhancing adaptation to school life.
The study suggests that the intensity of peer mentoring, mentor attributes, time invested, reasons for mentoring, and wellness initiatives significantly influence first-year student adjustment, proposing a model for intentional peer mentoring.
Not addressed in the paper.

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