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How architecture of building is influences with smart technologies? 

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The integration of smart technologies significantly influences building architecture by enhancing scalability, security, energy efficiency, and environmental sustainability. Smart buildings leverage IoT to create intelligent systems that prioritize user comfort, health, and safety while reducing energy consumption and operating costs. These technologies introduce innovative features, such as smart envelopes and materials, which improve functionality and adaptability to green architecture, leading to increased energy efficiency and thermal comfort. Additionally, smart building architectures enable the monitoring and management of various building aspects like energy consumption, occupancy, security, and environmental conditions, ultimately enhancing the quality of life for occupants. The evolution towards smart buildings represents a paradigm shift in architecture, driven by the need for sustainable, technologically advanced, and environmentally friendly structures.

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The architecture in smart buildings is influenced by technologies monitoring energy consumption, occupancy, security, and human health, managed through big data cloud architecture for data acquisition, processing, and analysis.
Smart technologies in building architecture, such as smart materials in envelopes, enhance functionality, reduce cooling demands by over 50%, and improve energy efficiency by more than 65% in hot climates.
Smart technologies influence building architecture by introducing innovations in technical plants, building envelope components, and overall systems, leading to sustainable designs with adaptive materials and technologies.
The integration of information and communication technologies in design leads to smart buildings prioritizing user comfort, health, safety, resource efficiency, cost reduction, and environmental friendliness.
Proceedings ArticleDOI
12 Jun 2020
1 Citations
The technological architecture proposed for IoT smart buildings ensures scalability, compatibility, and security, mitigating risks like device incompatibility, network vulnerabilities, and system limitations.

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