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How can hydroelectric dams be improved to allow greater passage of juvenile salmon? 

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To enhance the passage of juvenile salmon at hydroelectric dams, several key strategies can be implemented. Firstly, utilizing telemetry combined with hydrodynamic modeling can aid in understanding migration route preferences . Physiological assessments play a crucial role in identifying passage issues and guiding infrastructure modifications . Implementing temporary measures like turbine modulation, shutdown during specific times, and reservoir level lowering can significantly reduce migration delays and enhance safety . Adjusting the location of bypass canals closer to turbine intakes can notably increase fish guidance efficiency, impacting migration route choices . Additionally, installing passage solutions like angled racks with bypasses and nature-like fishways can improve downstream passage conditions, with high passage efficiencies observed for both . By incorporating these measures, hydroelectric dams can be improved to facilitate greater passage of juvenile salmon, ensuring their safe and timely migration.

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Hydroelectric dams can be improved by implementing angled racks with bypasses and large nature-like fishways, as shown to enhance safe and timely downstream passage for juvenile salmon.
Hydroelectric dams can enhance salmon passage by optimizing bypass canal placement and water release timing to increase fish guidance efficiency, reducing mortality and selecting for optimal migratory behaviors.
Temporary measures like turbine modulation, shutdown, and reservoir level lowering can enhance downstream migration of juvenile salmon, reducing mortality and migration delays in hydroelectric dams.
Hydroelectric dams can enhance salmon passage by optimizing fish passage solutions like improving attractiveness and efficiency of nature-like fishways and ensuring adequate water depths and discharges in migration routes.
Improving hydroelectric dams for juvenile salmon passage involves addressing physiological stress, disorientation, and energy depletion during downstream migration, considering carry-over effects for successful passage and conservation.

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