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How can SHANK3 would be developed for cure ASD? 

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SHANK3, a gene strongly associated with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), holds promise for potential therapeutic development. Research indicates that SHANK3 mutations contribute to ASD symptoms, such as decreased excitability and spinal dysplasia. Studies using animal models with SHANK3 mutations have shown ASD-like behaviors, offering insights into neuropathological mechanisms and potential treatments. Gene therapy technologies like CRISPR present opportunities for targeted interventions in ASD, with SHANK3 and neuroligin being key targets for treatment. Additionally, medical cannabis enriched with CBD has shown promise in alleviating ASD symptoms in a SHANK3 mouse model, emphasizing the role of CB1 receptor signaling and neurotransmission-related gene expression. Understanding the role of SHANK3 in ASD pathogenesis and exploring treatments like gene therapy and CBD-enriched cannabis could pave the way for future therapeutic developments.

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CRISPR-Cas9 can be utilized to target SHANK3 and Neuroligin, key genes related to Autism Spectrum Disorder, offering a promising approach for potential therapeutic development.
Low-dose VPA intervention postnatally in a shank3-deficient zebrafish model improves social deficits and repetitive behaviors, suggesting a potential therapeutic strategy for ASD.
Proceedings ArticleDOI
24 Mar 2023
Understanding SHANK3 mutations' role in ASD may lead to potential therapies. Research on SHANK3 gene modification and its association with ASD could pave the way for future treatment developments.

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