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How can the integration of visual, auditory, and tactile stimuli in English teaching activities significantly contribute to improving pronunciation? 

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The integration of visual, auditory, and tactile stimuli in English teaching activities can significantly enhance pronunciation skills. Tactile cues, such as self-touching the tongue during pronunciation practice, have been shown to improve non-native sound production, especially in more complex tasks like discourse reading. Incorporating pronunciation instruction (PI) into content courses, focusing on suprasegmentals, has demonstrated overall benefits, including improved comprehensibility in controlled and spontaneous speech tasks. Additionally, audio-tactile integration, like using air puffs synchronized with listening tasks, can influence speech perception by shifting responses towards voiceless sounds for ambiguous stimuli, showcasing the impact of tactile stimuli on auditory processing. By leveraging multisensory approaches, educators can create more effective and engaging English teaching activities that promote better pronunciation outcomes.

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Integrating tactile cues, like self-touching the tongue, with audiovisual training enhances English learners' pronunciation accuracy, particularly in tasks requiring discourse reading, showcasing the efficacy of multisensory approaches.
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