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How cultural pattems are changed by internal and external forces? 

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Cultural patterns undergo changes due to the interplay of internal and external forces. Internal factors, such as socioeconomic conditions and environmental pressures, can lead to shifts in traditional practices. External factors, like technological advancements and market competition, also play a significant role in influencing cultural changes. These forces impact organizational cultures, linguistic structures, and societal norms. For instance, external conflicts can shape group organization and cultural evolution. In linguistics, internal factors maintain language stability, while external factors from scientific, cultural, and political domains contribute to linguistic identity and stability. Overall, the dynamic interaction between internal and external forces drives the evolution of cultural patterns over time.

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Internal conflicts impact cultural patterns within a group, while external conflicts influence group organization. Research suggests external conflicts have profound effects on cultural evolution and group dynamics.
Not addressed in the paper.
Internal and external events influence cultural patterns in engineering organizations, impacting different work areas and employees variably over time, as observed in the case study.
Internal and external factors, such as socioeconomic changes and outside interventions, can lead to shifts in cultural patterns, as seen in the Konda Reddis society transitioning from swidden agriculture to cash-cropping.
Not addressed in the paper.

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