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How customer satisfaction relate to purchase decision? 

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Customer satisfaction plays a crucial role in influencing purchase decisions. Studies have shown a significant positive relationship between customer satisfaction and purchasing decisions. Additionally, customer satisfaction can act as a stimulus for prospective customers in making purchasing decisions. Furthermore, research indicates that service quality, relationship marketing, and brand image all impact customer satisfaction, which in turn affects purchasing decisions. Moreover, factors like price, service quality, impulse buying, and product quality have varying degrees of influence on both customer satisfaction and purchasing decisions. Therefore, enhancing customer satisfaction through various means such as service quality, relationship marketing, and product quality can lead to increased purchasing decisions, highlighting the interconnected nature of these variables in consumer behavior.

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Customer satisfaction mediates the relationship between digital marketing, product quality, and purchase decisions, as per the study conducted at PT. Alunicorn, emphasizing its crucial role in influencing buying choices.
Customer satisfaction positively influences purchase decisions by affecting price, service quality, impulse buying, and overall satisfaction, as indicated in the study on Veve Accessories in Baureno Bojonegoro.
Customer satisfaction is influenced by purchase decisions, acting as a mediating factor between relationship marketing, food quality, service quality, and overall satisfaction according to the study.
Customer satisfaction significantly influences purchase decisions, as observed in the study on Yamaha PT. Alfa Scorpii, Bilal Medan Branch, indicating a strong connection between satisfaction and buying choices.
Customer satisfaction positively influences purchase decisions at selasa_communa coffee shop, as shown by a significant relationship between the two factors in the study.

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