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How did new age religion evolve from the West? 

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The evolution of New Age religion in the West can be traced back to the post-World War II era when it gained visibility among younger generations through apocalyptic and utopian subcultures . This spiritual movement, often associated with terms like "new spiritualities," emerged in the early 1970s, encompassing diverse interests such as spiritual healing, meditation, astrology, and human potential . New spiritualities have transitioned from being outside institutionalized religions to now influencing mainstream society in the 21st century, impacting post-secularism in late modern societies . Furthermore, New Age practices have also been observed in Western society through the adoption of esoteric Islamic traditions by spiritual seekers, reflecting attempts to respond to challenges without political or military recourse .

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Open accessJournal ArticleDOI
01 Jan 2022
1 Citations
New Age religion evolved in the West due to secularization and the fusion of esotericism and religion. It emerged in two key moments post-World War II and the late 1970s.
Open accessJournal Article
2 Citations
New Age Sufism and literary reflections on civilizations emerged in the West post-2001, responding to Islamist challenges through esoteric Islamic practices and historical reinterpretations, avoiding political or military solutions.
Book ChapterDOI
01 Apr 2016
1 Citations
The New Age Movement evolved in the West from the early 1970s, encompassing diverse spiritual practices like healing, meditation, astrology, and Eastern religions, reflecting a paradigm shift in spiritual understanding.
The evolution of New Age religion in the modern West involves a blend of utopia, prophecy, and millenarianism, shaping a unique set of ideas from the late 18th century onwards.
Reference EntryDOI
26 Apr 2019
4 Citations
New spiritualities in Western society, including the New Age movement, evolved due to social and cultural shifts from modernity to late modernity, impacting post-secularism in the 21st century.

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Islamic Education during colonization in Indonesia
5 answers
Islamic education in Indonesia during the colonization period experienced significant challenges and transformations, reflecting the complex interplay between religious education, colonial policies, and the socio-political dynamics of the time. The introduction of a secular education system by the colonial Dutch government marked the beginning of a duality between general and religious education, leading to a separation between secular and religious knowledge in Indonesia. This period was characterized by diverse and dynamic patterns of Islamic education, influenced by the styles and changes during both Dutch and Japanese colonization, as well as the post-independence and post-reform periods. The colonial era saw the Islamic education system grappling with issues of relevancy and continuity, as it underwent thorough reviews and adaptations to the changing colonial policies. Despite the challenges, the Muslim community in Indonesia prioritized education, adapting Islamic teachings within simple systems, such as halaqah sessions held in mosques, prayer rooms, and homes of religious scholars, demonstrating the resilience and adaptability of Islamic education. The shift from a domestication approach to an accommodation approach in government policies towards Islamic education post-independence reflects the evolving relationship between the state and Islamic education. The Old Order and New Order eras each had their own dynamics affecting the development of Islamic education, with the latter period seeing a more positive and constructive response towards the integration of madrasas into the national education system. The influence of colonialism on the current Islamic education system in Indonesia cannot be denied, with its legacy still embedded in today's educational practices. Efforts to address epistemological issues in Islamic economics education at higher education institutions highlight the ongoing challenges and innovations within Islamic education. Despite these efforts, challenges in implementing Islamic Religious Education (PAI) effectively, such as fostering student morale and combating radicalism, remain. The curriculum for Islamic Religious Education at various educational levels continues to be dominated by an empirical paradigm, reflecting the need for further development and contextualization.