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How do Annihilationists interpret the concept of eternal punishment in Revelation 22:15? 

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Annihilationists interpret the concept of eternal punishment in Revelation 22:15 by viewing the "dogs" and "sorcerers" mentioned as symbolic representations. The "dogs" are often understood as false teachers or immoral practitioners, while the "sorcerers" can be seen as scapegoats. This interpretation is supported by the rejection of the cult of Hecate, associated with purification rituals involving dogs, in favor of purification through the blood of the Lamb . Additionally, annihilationists engage in theological debates regarding the severity of punishment, with some arguing that annihilation is actually a more severe fate than eternal conscious torment, challenging the traditionalist perspective . Ultimately, these interpretations contribute to the ongoing theological discourse between annihilationism and traditionalism on the nature of eternal punishment .

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Annihilationists interpret eternal punishment in Revelation 22:15 as annihilation, rejecting the traditional view of everlasting conscious torment for the wicked.
Annihilationists may interpret eternal punishment in Revelation 22:15 as exclusion from the holy city, rejecting purification through dogs and scapegoats, emphasizing the need for cleansing through the blood of the Lamb.
Annihilationists view annihilation as a more severe punishment than eternal conscious torment, challenging the traditional interpretation of eternal punishment in Revelation 22:15.
Open accessJournal ArticleDOI
19 May 2019
2 Citations
Annihilationists interpret eternal punishment in Rev 22:15 as a state of complete destruction, emphasizing the finality of separation from God for those who do not repent.
Not addressed in the paper.

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