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How do custom furniture requests impact the furniture industry? 

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Custom furniture requests significantly impact the furniture industry by driving the need for digitalization, personalization, and efficiency improvements. The customization trend in the furniture industry has led to a surge in demand for digital transformation. Factors influencing user demand for customized furniture include essential information, user experience, and product expectations, prompting enterprises to focus on publicity and product design. Methods like adapting furniture assembly based on personal characteristics and demands enhance customer experience and increase customization efficiency. In industries where custom-designed products are prevalent, machine scheduling complexities are addressed through evolutionary computing and neural networks to optimize schedules effectively. Systems integrating client-side design, server-provided models, and execution terminals streamline the customization process, meeting modern consumers' fashion-forward demands and expanding manufacturers' business opportunities.

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Liu Jianxin, Chen Haifeng, Chen Donghui 
26 Feb 2014
6 Citations
Custom furniture requests impact the industry positively by satisfying modern fashion demands, saving time through intuitive design, and increasing business channels for manufacturers via an efficient online customization system.
Custom furniture requests impact the industry by creating challenges in machine scheduling due to diverse products, lack of manufacturing experience, and complex production, necessitating hybrid evolutionary and neural network solutions.
Custom furniture requests impact the industry by driving personalization and diversification trends, leading to rapid growth in the customized furniture market. Factors influencing demand include essential information, user experience, and product expectations.
Custom furniture requests drive digital transformation in the furniture industry by increasing the demand for digitalization. Big data aids in optimizing supply chains, enhancing production efficiency, and refining marketing strategies.
Peng Sili, Chen Yufeng 
11 Jun 2019
1 Citations
Custom furniture requests impact the furniture industry by enhancing design efficiency, meeting customer demands, and providing personalized selection margins, ultimately improving customization efficiency and diversity while reducing design costs.

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