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How do humans create perceptions of serial killers? 

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Humans create perceptions of serial killers through a combination of societal influences, personal experiences, and psychological factors. The portrayal of serial killers in media as evil monsters can shape public perceptions , while childhood experiences of abuse and trauma can contribute to the development of aggressive behaviors in individuals, potentially leading to serial killing tendencies . Additionally, the lack of a consistent set of factors that define a serial killer challenges the notion of them being "monsters," highlighting the complexity of their motives and methods . The public's engagement with memes featuring serial killers reflects a societal negotiation with the monstrous and a normalization of their figure in popular culture . Overall, a combination of media influence, personal experiences, and societal responses contributes to the creation of perceptions surrounding serial killers.

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Book ChapterDOI
24 Mar 2022
Perceptions of serial killers are influenced by challenges in obtaining accurate data and sensationalized true crime narratives, leading to misconceptions about their psychopathology, motives, and justifications.
Book ChapterDOI
25 Apr 2022
Humans create perceptions of serial killers through the transformation of their image into celebrities, facilitated by the circulation of 'serial killer memes' that turn pathologized experiences into humor, potentially normalizing their figure.
Humans create perceptions of serial killers through early abuse experiences, corrupted love maps, and sensory preconditioning linking aversive emotions with sexual desire, often influenced by traumatic memories and brain development.
Humans create perceptions of serial killers through intrasubjective understanding, influenced by societal factors like fear, misunderstanding, and social aggression, as highlighted in the research on the psychological portrait of serial killers.
Perceptions of serial killers are often influenced by stereotypes; however, factors like stress, trauma, loneliness, and childhood experiences play a significant role in shaping these perceptions.

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