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How do power dynamics in male and female relationships differ from those in same-sex relationships? 

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Power dynamics in male-female relationships differ from those in same-sex relationships in various ways. In male-female relationships, power often ranges along a continuum from male-dominated to female-dominated societies, influenced by factors like coercion and male-biased dimorphism . Conversely, in same-sex relationships, power dynamics are not necessarily tied to traditional gender roles, as seen in monogamous female same-sex couples where masculinity and femininity levels do not correlate with power extent . Research on intimate partner violence (IPV) in same-sex relationships highlights that power and control dynamics play a significant role, with IPV trajectories often characterized by one-sided abuse and lack of control over partners . Additionally, power differentials within same-sex male couples can influence sexual risk outcomes, with power being exerted through decision-making dominance, personal agency, and couple-level dynamics .

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Power dynamics in same-sex male relationships involve decision-making dominance, personal agency, and couple-level power, unlike traditional male-female dynamics. This study focuses on closing power gaps for sexual risk reduction.
Not addressed in the paper.
In female same-sex relationships, power dynamics are not tied to traditional gender roles, allowing for more balanced dynamics compared to heterosexual relationships where gender norms often influence power distribution.
Male-female power dynamics in animal societies vary along a continuum, influenced by reproductive control and social organization, unlike same-sex relationships, which are not discussed in the paper.
Not addressed in the paper.

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