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How do rural and urban workers affect each other? 

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Rural and urban workers influence each other through various factors. Research indicates that rural workers generally have lower access to paid sick leave compared to urban workers, posing a threat to their health and healthcare access . Additionally, the quality of life for workers in both settings is impacted by factors like education, healthcare, and employment opportunities, with distinct effects on the local labor market . Digital technologies enable knowledge workers to create urban-rural linkages, although the economic integration of these workers into rural areas remains limited . Furthermore, urban environments often expose workers to higher levels of noise pollution, leading to various health issues, while rural areas offer a more soothing auditory environment . These interactions highlight the interconnectedness and disparities between rural and urban labor markets, emphasizing the need for inclusive policies and research for the well-being of all workers.

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Rural workers experience fewer health hazards related to noise compared to urban workers, who suffer from issues like headaches, fatigue, and psychological discomfort due to urban noise pollution.
Urban-rural knowledge workers create temporary proximity through multilocal work arrangements using digital technologies, fostering urban-rural linkages, yet with limited economic integration in rural areas.
Rural and urban workers affect each other through distinct labor market characteristics, including sector composition, education requirements, and employment quality, highlighting the need for tailored policies for sustainable development.
Rural full-time workers have lower access to paid sick leave compared to urban workers, potentially leading to contagious individuals at work and healthcare neglect, perpetuating rural-urban disparities.
Rural workers have lower access to paid sick leave compared to urban workers, impacting their health and healthcare access, especially during public health emergencies like COVID-19.

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