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How do synaptic and ephaptic signals interact in neural ensembles? 

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Synaptic and ephaptic signals interact in neural ensembles through direct electrical and chemical connections between neurons . Synaptic connectivity involves the transmission of neuroelectric activity through neurotransmitters in chemical synapses, which can either increase or decrease postsynaptic activity . Electrical synapses, on the other hand, have presynaptic and postsynaptic cell membranes connected by gap junctions, allowing for direct electrical current flow between neurons . Ephaptic neuronal communication refers to the impact of electric fields generated in the brain, where transmembrane ionic currents affect nearby neurons . This phenomenon can be modeled using the Quadratic Integrate-and-Trigger model, which includes ephaptic coupling behavior between neurons . Synchronized activity in ensembles of neurons can be modified through associative synaptic plasticity, enabling the incorporation of neurons from different ensembles and contributing to the formation of associative memories .

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Open accessJournal ArticleDOI
29 Jun 2011-PLOS ONE
17 Citations
The provided paper does not discuss the interaction between synaptic and ephaptic signals in neural ensembles.
The provided paper does not specifically address how synaptic and ephaptic signals interact in neural ensembles.
The provided paper does not discuss the interaction between synaptic and ephaptic signals in neural ensembles.
The provided paper does not specifically discuss the interaction between synaptic and ephaptic signals in neural ensembles. The paper focuses on synaptic connectivity in neural population models and does not mention ephaptic signals.

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