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How does Anglicare contribute to the healthcare and social services sector in Australia? 

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Anglicare contributes significantly to the healthcare and social services sector in Australia by addressing structural determinants of health, such as secure housing, employment, and gender equality . Social workers, including those from Anglicare, play a crucial role in the Australian health workforce, focusing on critical insights into the determinants of health to ensure appropriate interventions . Moreover, Anglicare's involvement aligns with the adoption of social justice and inclusion values in social service organizations, shaping their mission statements and service provision . Australia's complex health system, with varying funding mechanisms and service delivery models, necessitates integrated responses from health and housing sectors to protect the health of vulnerable populations, including those supported by Anglicare .

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Anglicare contributes to the Australian social service sector by adopting social justice values, promoting allyship, and fostering commitment within the organization to enhance service provision and work culture.
Not addressed in the paper.
Not addressed in the paper.
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