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How does Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) differ from Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA)? 

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Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) differs from Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) in their purposes and methodologies. CFA tests pre-determined factor structures, aiming to confirm relationships between observed variables and latent constructs. On the other hand, EFA explores unknown scale dimensions, uncovering underlying constructs. CFA is rigid and may struggle with slightly misspecified models, while EFA often provides accurate parameter estimates, especially when the rotation procedure aligns with the correlation of latent factors. Additionally, CFA validates measurement models, ensuring construct validity, convergent validity, and composite reliability. In contrast, EFA is more suitable when an a priori structure cannot be hypothesized and latent factors are correlated. Overall, CFA confirms existing structures, while EFA explores and uncovers new dimensions.

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CFA validates existing models, while EFA explores new ones. CFA confirms construct validity, convergent validity, and reliability, whereas EFA aids in model development by identifying underlying factors.
CFA validates pre-defined factor structure, like the ATPIS in the study, while EFA explores data to identify underlying factor structure without preconceived notions.
CFA is rigid, struggles with slight misspecifications, and requires a priori structure, while EFA is more flexible, accurate with parameter estimates, and beneficial when latent factors are correlated.
CFA confirms pre-established factor structure, while EFA explores new factor structures. CFA validates existing theories, whereas EFA generates hypotheses for further research.
CFA tests pre-determined factor structures, while EFA explores unknown dimensions. CFA confirms relationships between observed variables and latent constructs, whereas EFA uncovers underlying constructs of a scale.

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What is confirmation factor analysis?4 answersConfirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) is an advanced statistical technique used to explain the covariance structure of high-dimensional data by identifying a small number of factors. It involves computing the correlation matrix implied by the model, crucial for parameter estimation and validity testing. CFA has evolved over the past 30 years, with extensions like multilevel, second-order, bifactor, and Bayesian models addressing measurement issues effectively. Widely applied in organizational research, understanding CFA complexities, proper execution, result reporting, and interpretation is vital for research advancement. For instance, a study on halal tourist attractions utilized CFA to analyze the structural validity of potential levels, revealing six components: Accessibility, Environment, Tourism Management, Facilities, Value, and Response. Overall, CFA serves as a powerful tool for testing construct validity and reliability in various research domains.
What is confirmatory factor analysis?5 answersConfirmatory factor analysis (CFA) is an advanced statistical technique used to explain the covariance structure of high-dimensional data by utilizing a small number of factors. It involves computing the correlation matrix implied by the model, which is critical for estimating the model's parameters and testing its validity. CFA has evolved over the years, with extensions such as multilevel, second-order, bifactor, and Bayesian CFA models being developed. Understanding how to properly conduct CFA analyses, report the results, and interpret their implications is important for advancing organizational research. CFA is also a part of structural equation modeling (SEM), where it examines whether collected data fit a hypothesized model of what the data are meant to measure. In the context of job satisfaction, CFA is used to analyze the factors that influence job satisfaction and identify dimensions and indicators that shape it.
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What is confirmatory factor analysis?3 answersConfirmatory factor analysis (CFA) is an advanced statistical technique used to explain the covariance structure of high-dimensional data by utilizing a small number of factors. It involves computing the correlation matrix implied by the model, which is critical for estimating the model's parameters and testing its validity. CFA has evolved over the years, with extensions such as multilevel, second-order, bifactor, and Bayesian CFA models being developed. It is widely used in organizational research, and understanding its complexities is important for conducting and evaluating studies that incorporate CFA. CFA can also be used to establish measurement models for latent constructs and examine their replicability and generalizability in new samples. In the context of the Noetic Signature Inventory (NSI), CFA was used to confirm a 12-factor structure, supporting its validity and reliability as a tool for assessing noetic characteristics.
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