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How does economic interdependence affect security in asia? 

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Economic interdependence significantly influences security dynamics in Asia. The region's economic growth and stability are closely tied to the level of interdependence among economies. East Asian countries have increasingly integrated themselves economically , leading to a complex relationship between economic interdependence and security. While economic ties can act as a deterrent for military conflicts, they also bring about new security challenges such as economic volatility and terrorist activities. In South Asia, the need for energy interdependence to meet growing demands poses a tradeoff between traditional self-sufficiency and development goals, impacting regional security. To manage these complexities, international cooperation and coordination are crucial, emphasizing the dynamic and networking nature of the relationship between economic interdependence and security.

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Economic interdependence in South Asia can enhance stability by fostering cross-border energy trade, necessitating resolution of disputes, governance in ungoverned areas, and military mission realignment.
Economic interdependence in East Asia fosters peace by enhancing cooperation, mitigating security threats, and promoting political stability in the region, as highlighted in the research.
Economic interdependence in East Asia, supported by trade agreements and FDI, reduces the likelihood of conflict due to high costs, fostering stability, democracy, and peace while deterring military actions.
Economic interdependence in East Asia is crucial for security, as countries viewed economic well-being as vital for survival. However, the US-centric security system hindered formal regional institutionalization.

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