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How does financial problem affect students mental healh? 

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Financial problems significantly impact students' mental health by causing academic difficulties, emotional distress, and imbalanced personality development . College students facing financial difficulties not only bear economic burdens but also experience mental stress, leading to psychological issues like tension, anxiety, self-respect conflicts, and interpersonal interaction challenges . The COVID-19 pandemic exacerbated financial distress among families, affecting students' psychological well-being due to changes in their learning environment, career uncertainties, and financial crises within their families . Research indicates that financial difficulties hinder research progress, leading to interruptions and mental health issues among research students, emphasizing the importance of financial support for smooth research operations . Implementing targeted mental health education, improving psychological assistance systems, and cultivating positive psychological capital are crucial in addressing the mental health challenges faced by students with financial difficulties.

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Financial difficulties impact mental health of research students by causing stress, depression, and anxiety due to lack of support for research work, leading to interruptions and potential mental health issues.
Financial difficulties among college students lead to significant mental health issues such as stress, anxiety, self-esteem conflicts, interpersonal challenges, vanity, and dependency mentality, impacting their overall well-being negatively.
Open accessJournal ArticleDOI
30 Oct 2022-The physician
1 Citations
Financial problems can significantly impact students' mental health, leading to increased stress, anxiety, and depression. Targeted interventions like financial counseling and support services are crucial for mitigating these effects.
Financial problems can lead to academic difficulties, emotional distress, and imbalanced personality development in college students. Lack of psychological support exacerbates negative issues, highlighting the need for targeted mental health interventions.
Financial problems due to the pandemic lead to significant mental health struggles for students, impacting their well-being through changes in learning environments, career uncertainties, and family financial crises.

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How do financial problems affect the mental health of college students?4 answersFinancial problems significantly impact the mental health of college students. The COVID-19 pandemic exacerbated these issues, leading to increased food insecurity, economic hardships, and mental distress among students. Students facing financial difficulties often experience academic challenges, emotional distress, and imbalanced personality development. The pandemic-induced financial distress, including job losses and salary cuts, has left families and children in dire economic situations, affecting students' psychological well-being. Research emphasizes the importance of addressing financial distress to improve mental health outcomes, highlighting the need for targeted mental health education and psychological early warning systems for students with financial difficulties. College students with financial difficulties are at a higher risk of anxiety, depression, and suicidal ideation, underscoring the necessity for tailored mental health support programs.
The impact of financial problem to the students?4 answersFinancial problems have a significant impact on students in higher education. Students from disadvantaged backgrounds face enormous financial challenges that affect their academic performance. The ongoing financial crisis in Greece also has a negative impact on students' lives and their decisions to pursue higher qualifications. Research students who lack financial support experience interruptions in their progress and may suffer from mental health issues. In India, the rising cost of attending college leads to financial stress, lower grades, and higher stress levels among students. Similarly, students in higher education institutions face financial problems due to limited resources and high cost of living. Overall, financial problems can hinder students' academic performance, career prospects, and mental health, highlighting the need for support interventions and sound financial management.
How financial problem affect student?5 answersFinancial problems have a significant impact on students. Students from disadvantaged backgrounds face difficulties in transitioning to higher education due to their financial challenges, which negatively affect their academic performance. Additionally, the inability to increase income and the need to prioritize studying over finding ways to earn money contribute to financial problems among students. These financial difficulties lead to various negative psychological characteristics, such as academic difficulties, emotional distress, and imbalanced personality development. The effects of poor financial conditions on needy students include the inability to pay tuition fees, meet basic needs, buy books and supplies, and handle medical emergencies, which ultimately affect academic performance and prolong the time taken to complete studies. The ongoing financial crisis in Greece has also had a significant impact on students, affecting their overall life and decisions regarding higher qualifications and career prospects.
How financial stress affects in mental health of students?4 answersFinancial stress has a significant impact on the mental health of students. Students often experience financial burden and are unable to afford basic educational, living, and healthcare expenses, leading to increased stress and worsening mental health. Financial concerns are associated with delays in major life milestones, avoidance of medical and mental healthcare, and increased rates of depression, anxiety, and sleep problems. The COVID-19 pandemic has further exacerbated financial distress among students, resulting in psychological struggles. Educational debt stress, specifically related to thinking about educational debt and college affordability, is predictive of negative emotions and mental health problems. High levels of stress from various sources, such as academic pressure, family circumstances, side-activity pressure, and financial situation, are associated with lower mental wellbeing. To protect students' mental wellbeing, it is crucial to reduce perceived stress, address underlying stressors, and develop resilience through targeted mental health education and support systems.
What is financial problem affect students?5 answersFinancial problems have a significant impact on students. Students from disadvantaged backgrounds face enormous financial challenges that affect their academic performance. Limited financial resources and high cost of living contribute to financial problems among students in higher education institutions. These financial difficulties can lead to academic difficulties, emotional distress, and imbalanced personality development among college students. Additionally, financial problems can act as a barrier to postsecondary education persistence, affecting achievement and graduation rates. Students' inability to increase income and the need to prioritize studying over finding ways to earn money contribute to financial problems. Overall, financial problems have adverse effects on students' academic performance, mental health, and ability to persist in postsecondary education.
What are the effects of financial stress on the mental health of students?5 answersFinancial stress has significant effects on the mental health of students. Studies have shown that changes in their learning environment, career paths, and the financial crisis faced by their families have a substantial impact on their psychological well-being. Educational debt stress, which is the stress incurred from thinking about educational debt and college affordability, is predictive of greater negative emotions such as hostility, guilt, sadness, fatigue, and general negative emotion. Debt-induced stress may also indirectly affect mental health by shaping facets of college life, such as course loads and post-graduation job expectations. Anxiety plays a significant role in financial behaviors, and students who are anxious are likely to experience a high degree of stress. Financial stress and anxiety can impact cognitive, emotional, and relational well-being, and have been linked to college student debt.

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