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How does individual efficacy affect trust in the political system? 

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Individual efficacy plays a crucial role in shaping trust in the political system. Research suggests that a sense of efficacy, defined as the belief in one's ability to impact the political process, influences trust levels. Specifically, higher levels of political efficacy lead to increased trust in political institutions. Moreover, the perception of external efficacy, which is influenced by factors like income inequality, can mediate the relationship between individual efficacy and trust in the political system. Individuals who feel efficacious are more likely to trust the system, viewing themselves as capable of influencing political outcomes and evaluating the system positively. Therefore, individual efficacy acts as a significant determinant of trust in the political system, highlighting the interconnectedness between personal empowerment and institutional trust.

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Stephen C. Craig, Michael A. Maggiotto 
01 Jan 2016
92 Citations
Individual efficacy influences trust in the political system. Low efficacy may stem from personal inability to elicit a response or shared inability due to an unresponsive system.
Individual online political efficacy is influenced by perceptions of online resources' credibility and comprehensiveness, impacting trust in the political system through Internet dependency relations.
Not addressed in the paper.
Individual efficacy influences trust in the political system by mediating the impact of income inequality on political trust, as shown in the study through changes in external efficacy perceptions.
Individuals perceive their online actions as potentially impactful on political outcomes, yet acknowledge challenges in understanding others' motives. This self-awareness influences their trust in the political system.

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