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How does misinformation affecting public perception of climate change? 

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Misinformation significantly impacts public perception of climate change by fueling skepticism and polarization. Politicians, organizations, and anonymous agencies are identified as key agents spreading climate change disinformation, often through misleading and fabricated content. The use of fake experts and ideologically-driven misinformation further exacerbates the divide in public opinion on human-caused global warming. This misinformation, disseminated through various media platforms, hampers efforts to address climate change effectively. The lack of trust in news sources due to the abundance of misleading information, cognitive heuristics, and digital literacy challenges also contributes to the public's uncertainty and hesitancy regarding climate change information. Efforts to combat misinformation require a multi-faceted approach involving scientists, communicators, educators, and policymakers.

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Misinformation, like false experts, influences public perception of climate change. Inoculation strategies can help counteract this by exposing and debunking deceptive tactics.
Misinformation, cognitive heuristics, anti-intellectualism, and lack of digital literacy contribute to public uncertainty about climate change, impacting trust in news sources and understanding among college students.
Misinformation on climate change, spread through various media sources, impacts public perception. Detecting and countering this misinformation is crucial to prevent its influence on public understanding of climate change.
Misinformation about climate change, driven by ideology, polarizes public perception. Understanding and countering denialist arguments through evidence-based communication strategies are crucial to neutralize misinformation and address public perception.
Misinformation about climate change, often spread by politicians and organizations, influences public perception negatively, hindering meaningful actions against climate change skepticism.

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