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How does pre harvest activities affect the fruit quality in perishable food supply chain? 

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Pre-harvest activities have a significant impact on fruit quality in the perishable food supply chain. Techniques such as fruit bagging and summer pruning have been found to improve fruit quality and market value . Factors such as preharvest climatic conditions, genetic factors, and agronomic practices also play a role in determining fruit quality at harvest . Integration of pre-harvest fruit bagging and improved postharvest management practices (IPMP) has been shown to reduce postharvest losses, improve skin color development, and maintain good keeping quality of mangoes . Pre-harvest application of aminoethoxyvinylglycine (AVG) has been found to maintain high flesh firmness, texture attributes, and fruit acidity in apples after storage . Preharvest practices, such as controlling the leaf-to-fruit ratio and harvest timing, can help ensure ripe fruit quality in pineapple and mango . Overall, pre-harvest activities are crucial in maintaining fruit quality and ensuring a safe, nutritious, and organoleptically acceptable product for consumers.

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The provided paper specifically focuses on the effects of pre-harvest application of aminoethoxyvinylglycine (AVG) and ethephon on the quality of 'Baigent' apples after storage in controlled atmosphere. It does not provide information on the overall impact of pre-harvest activities on fruit quality in the perishable food supply chain.
The provided paper discusses the impact of pre-harvest fruit bagging and improved postharvest practices on reducing losses and managing quality of mango in the value chain system. It does not specifically mention the effect of pre-harvest activities on fruit quality in perishable food supply chains.
The provided paper does not directly address the impact of pre-harvest activities on fruit quality in the perishable food supply chain.
The provided paper discusses the effects of pre-harvest techniques, such as summer pruning and fruit bagging, on the quality of apple fruits. However, it does not specifically mention the impact of pre-harvest activities on fruit quality in the perishable food supply chain.

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