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How does printing technology affect the readability of posters? 

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Printing technology significantly impacts the readability of posters. Different aspects such as image conversion, pixel manipulation, scaling, and text orientation play crucial roles. Techniques like MICR toning can enhance character readability by adjusting magnetizable substances in printed images . Automated processes like bilinear scaling and halftoning improve visual effects and poster quality without manual intervention . Moreover, aligning text and images with the eye axis can prevent readability issues caused by misalignment . However, the introduction of new typographic styles that contradict established reading habits may hinder readability and comprehension, potentially leading to a shift towards audio-based content consumption over traditional reading practices . In conclusion, advancements in printing technology can either facilitate or impede the readability of posters based on how effectively they align with human visual and reading patterns.

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Open accessJournal Article
1 Citations
Printing technology's recent typographic innovations may harm readability by conflicting with eye physiology and established reading habits, potentially leading to decreased interest in reading and a preference for audio formats.
Printing text and images at an angle to align with the eye's axis enhances readability and comprehension, addressing the challenges posed by the vertical alignment of printed text.
14 Dec 1996
3 Citations
Printing technology impacts poster readability by automatically scaling and halftoning digital images for poster-sized printing, ensuring visual quality without manual processing steps, enhancing overall poster legibility.
Not addressed in the paper.
Not addressed in the paper.

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