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How does the application of numerical integrals affect the accuracy and efficiency of civil engineering reports? 

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The application of numerical integrals in civil engineering reports can significantly impact their accuracy and efficiency. Numerical integrals are used to evaluate complex mathematical calculations and solve engineering problems. They provide a high precision method for calculating integrals, improving the accuracy of the results obtained . By using numerical integrals, assumptions about the shape of the free surface within an element can be avoided, leading to more accurate calculations, especially in cases where the free surface varies sharply . Additionally, the use of numerical integrals allows for the efficient evaluation of integrals that occur in the modeling of physical systems, such as density functional theory and the Boltzmann equation . This improves the overall efficiency of the numerical methods used in civil engineering reports, enabling faster and more accurate analysis of engineering processes .

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The provided paper does not mention anything about the application of numerical integrals and its effect on the accuracy and efficiency of civil engineering reports.
The provided paper does not mention the application of numerical integrals in civil engineering reports.
The provided paper does not specifically mention the application of numerical integrals and its effect on the accuracy and efficiency of civil engineering reports.
The provided paper does not mention anything about the application of numerical integrals in civil engineering reports.

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