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How does the concept of originality in copyright law affect the level of creativity among artists and creators? 

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The concept of originality in copyright law plays a crucial role in influencing the level of creativity among artists and creators. Different countries have varying interpretations of originality, such as the subjective approach focusing on individuality and the objective approach emphasizing novelty . Countries like Saudi Arabia and Hungary have integrated originality thresholds into their copyright laws to protect creators' works, encouraging creativity through selective creation and intellectual authorship . However, the operationalization of originality and creativity differs across disciplines, impacting how these concepts are understood and applied in various works . In countries like Bangladesh, unique originality-checking methods have been developed to suit the local context and legal framework, suggesting a need for tailored approaches to foster creativity .

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The concept of originality in copyright law requires a certain level of creative individuality from artists, not absolute novelty, influencing their creative output positively.
The concept of originality in copyright law influences artists' and creators' creativity levels by defining boundaries for protection, encouraging innovation, and impacting derivative works.

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