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How does the concept of utilitarianism affect the perception of short term vs long term consequences in various fields? 

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The concept of utilitarianism plays a significant role in influencing the perception of short-term versus long-term consequences across different fields. In the realm of financial technology (Fintech), the application of utilitarianism is crucial for understanding consumer benefits and protection in the rapidly growing industry . Additionally, in the context of decision-making processes involving conflicting immediate and future outcomes, cognitive functions are essential in shaping individuals' choices . Moreover, in the field of employee performance, utilitarian orientation positively correlates with both in-role and extra-role performance, with long-term orientation moderating this relationship among millennial generation employees in China . These findings highlight the multifaceted impact of utilitarianism on perceptions of short-term and long-term consequences in diverse domains.

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Utilitarian orientation positively influences both short-term (in-role) and long-term (extra-role) performance, with long-term orientation strengthening this relationship among Chinese millennial employees.
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Not addressed in the paper.

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