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How does the design of a logo influence customer response and brand perception? 

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The design of a logo plays a crucial role in influencing customer response and brand perception. Logos with high naturalness positively impact brand sincerity perception, especially for brands with natural ingredients. Additionally, the visual thickness of a logo affects the perception of brand power, with thick logos enhancing brand personality perception through a sense of power. Furthermore, the transformation of a logo from single to multiple colors or vice versa influences brand perception, with aesthetic and semiotic attributes playing a significant role in shaping customer responses. Overall, logo elements such as type font, graphic form, and color collectively contribute to brand personality perceptions, emphasizing the importance of a holistic approach in logo design to create a strong brand image.

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Logo design elements such as type font, graphic form, and color influence brand personality perception, with sincerity being a key trait perceived by stakeholders in the real estate industry.
The design of a logo influences brand perception through the sequential evaluation of aesthetic and semiotic attributes, impacting customer response based on colour transformation.
High natural logos positively impact brand sincerity perception due to easier processing and authenticity. Brands with natural ingredients benefit more from high natural logos for enhanced brand personality perception.
The design of a logo influences customer response and brand perception by reflecting character traits, emotions, and reputation, guiding designers to create a strong visual identity for corporate reputation.
The design of a logo, specifically its visual thickness, influences brand personality perception by enhancing brand power, which in turn affects consumer judgments and behavior.

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