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How does the development of self-learning skills impact the overall success and retention rates of university students? 

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The development of self-learning skills, such as self-directed learning and self-regulated online learning, significantly impacts the overall success and retention rates of university students. Self-directed learning activities enhance critical thinking skills, cooperative learning skills, and research skills, contributing to academic achievement and retention . Studies show that self-regulated online learning skills are crucial predictors of academic success, especially in online learning environments . Additionally, the interactive nature of cognitive skills, self-regulated learning skills, and attitudes towards education plays a vital role in predicting overall university success and graduation outcomes . Implementing instructional strategies to improve self-regulated learning skills can reduce dropout rates in Open and Distance Learning environments, emphasizing the importance of these skills for student retention and success .

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Developing self-regulated learning skills in university students, such as through the KWL method, can lead to improved success and reduced drop-out rates in Open and Distance Learning environments.
The development of self-regulated online learning skills positively impacts university students' academic achievement, as shown by the study's findings on self-regulated learning skills and academic success.
The development of self-regulated learning skills significantly impacts university success and retention rates, as shown in the study's analysis of cognitive skills, attitudes, and anxiety.
Development of self-learning skills enhances critical thinking, time management, and other useful skills, contributing to the overall success and retention rates of university students.

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