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How does the implementation of recommendation strategies impact user creation on digital content platforms? 

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The implementation of recommendation strategies significantly influences user behavior on digital content platforms. Users strategically consume content to shape future recommendations, engaging in behaviors that accentuate their differences from others and potentially avoiding mainstream content. Content creators compete for exposure, impacting user welfare, but a relevance-driven approach can perform well in the long run, especially when users' decisions involve randomness and the platform offers diverse alternatives. Machine learning applications, like recommendation systems, play a crucial role in retaining customers by suggesting personalized content. To enhance recommendation quality, strategies such as using prior preferences, avoiding universally liked content, and providing personalized yet appealing recommendations can be effective. Overall, strategic user behavior and competition among content creators shape the effectiveness and impact of recommendation strategies on digital content platforms.

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The implementation of top-$K$ recommendation strategies influences user welfare by bounding user welfare loss due to creator competition, favoring relevance-driven matching in the long run.
Open accessPosted ContentDOI
13 Feb 2023
Implementation of recommendation strategies influences user behavior on digital platforms by revealing that users strategically consume content to shape future recommendations, leading to accentuated differences and potential minority content neglect.
Strategic user behavior influences content consumption to shape future recommendations. Implementing prior preferences, avoiding mainstream content, and providing personalized yet appealing content can enhance recommendation quality.
The implementation of top-K recommendation strategies influences user welfare on digital content platforms, with relevance-driven matching showing promise in maintaining user satisfaction in the long run.

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How do users perceive and interact with recommendation systems in content?5 answersUsers perceive and interact with recommendation systems in content based on their cognitive processes, affective factors, and behavioral factors. The qualities and features of the recommendation algorithms can influence users' perception and trust in the system. Users' subjective feelings about transparency and accuracy act as a mental shortcut, affecting their perception of the system. Trust plays a mediating role in the user's interaction with the recommendation system, suggesting that establishing algorithmic trust can enhance algorithm performance. Users also strategically consume content to influence the types of content they will be recommended in the future. The recommendation system's initial recommendation policy and the content consumed by users during the cold start phase can impact the types of content recommended in the recommendation phase. By considering these factors, researchers can develop user-centered recommendation systems and improve the overall user experience.

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