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How does the implementation of smart city technology impact citizen satisfaction and engagement with local government? 

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The implementation of smart city technology significantly influences citizen satisfaction and engagement with local government. Studies show that citizen engagement is crucial for the success of smart city plans, with barriers identified when engagement is limited to specific stages of the planning process . Research emphasizes the importance of active communication and grassroots engagement to enhance public awareness and participation in smart city initiatives, promoting meaningful and equitable development . Furthermore, the level of citizens' participation has a positive correlation with the outcomes of smart sustainable cities, indicating that higher engagement leads to increased smart sustainable cities outcomes . Overall, citizen satisfaction and engagement are key factors in the successful implementation and sustainability of smart city technologies, highlighting the need for inclusive and participatory approaches in urban planning and governance.

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14 Jun 2023
The paper discusses tools for enhancing citizen participation in local decision-making processes through smart city technologies, aiming to increase satisfaction and engagement with local government.
Uneven citizen education and engagement in smart city projects, like Phuket Smart City in Thailand, show disparities in awareness and willingness to participate, highlighting the need for improved communication and engagement strategies.
The implementation of smart sustainable cities positively impacts citizen satisfaction and engagement by fostering accountability, transparency, participation, and inclusion, leading to higher outcomes.
Implementation of smart city technology impacts citizen satisfaction and engagement by utilizing living labs for inclusive urban planning, although barriers exist hindering full citizen involvement in the planning process.

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