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How does the implementation of the panopticon model bring positives to work? 

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The implementation of the Panopticon model brings positives to work by inducing a state of conscious and permanent visibility, ensuring automatic power functioning, and fostering self-discipline and control through constant surveillance without the inmates' knowledge . In a different context, Panoptic, a trading protocol on the Ethereum blockchain, enables permissionless trading of options, seeking to develop trustless and composable options products, similar to automated market maker protocols for spot trading . Moreover, Panopticon architecture in networking allows for the operation of legacy and SDN switches in enterprise networks, enhancing management and flexibility while meeting resource constraints efficiently . Additionally, PanOpticon, a tool for FaaS applications, automates deployment across platforms, providing users with performance measurements under different configurations, aiding in understanding design choices and optimizing resource parameters .

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Open accessPosted ContentDOI
27 Apr 2022
The Panoptic protocol enables oracle-free, instant-settlement options trading on Ethereum, fostering trustless, permissionless, and composable options markets, akin to x*y=k AMM protocols for spot trading.
Journal ArticleDOI
Guillaume Lambert, Jesper Kristensen 
27 Apr
1 Citations
Not addressed in the paper.
The panopticon model induces self-discipline and control through constant surveillance, leading to a sense of permanent visibility and automatic functioning of power, benefiting work environments.
The Panopticon model enables combining legacy and SDN switches in enterprise networks, offering simplified management and enhanced flexibility, benefiting from SDN advantages with partial deployment.
Not addressed in the paper.

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