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How does the payback period differ between short-term and long-term investments? 

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The payback period varies between short-term and long-term investments. In short-term investments, the payback period may be used to assess the rate of advantages gained, determining the feasibility of the investment in a certain period . On the other hand, long-term investments, such as those in the power sector, require modeling of probability distributions for the long-term dynamics of electricity prices to evaluate investments in new generating technologies over the whole lifetime of the plants . Additionally, in the stock market, the relationship between risk and return in the long run indicates that high returns are associated with high risks, suggesting a positive correlation between risk and return over time . Therefore, while short-term investments focus on immediate gains, long-term investments involve assessing risks and returns over extended periods to make informed decisions.

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Short-term investments face stock adjustment costs, while long-term investments like ICT incur flow adjustment costs. Liquidity is crucial for short-term, and uncertainty significantly affects long-term ICT investments.
Short-term investments focus on immediate returns, while long-term investments consider extended periods to recoup costs and generate profits, as discussed in the paper on electricity price dynamics.
In the short term, there is no significant relationship between risk and return, reflecting market complexity. Long term shows a positive correlation, indicating high returns come with high risks.
Short-term investments in corrupt African countries initially reduce democracy due to FDI openness, while long-term investments lead to increased democracy by empowering the middle class through revenue spillovers.

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