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How does the type of teaching method affect learners' satisfaction levels? 

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The type of teaching method significantly impacts learners' satisfaction levels. Research indicates that students generally prefer face-to-face teaching over online methods, with a hybrid model showing the best performance . Additionally, teaching presence and self-regulated learning play crucial roles in enhancing learning satisfaction in distance education programs, where feedback and visual interaction with professors positively influence satisfaction levels . Moreover, practical sessions using didactic teaching methods are favored by nursing students over videotape methods, with a higher satisfaction level observed for didactic teaching, emphasizing its importance in immediate learning absorption and knowledge retention . Overall, the choice of teaching method directly influences learners' satisfaction, highlighting the need for educators to consider student preferences and engagement strategies to enhance satisfaction levels.

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Online teaching methods impact undergraduate dental students' satisfaction levels, with 57% unsatisfied, 31% satisfied, and 12% extremely satisfied. Females were notably less satisfied, facing technology-related challenges.
Teaching presence and self-regulated learning impact learning satisfaction in distance nursing education. Methods enhancing feedback, professor interaction, self-study, and relationships improve satisfaction levels.
The frequency of teaching method use significantly impacts student satisfaction levels, with a preference for pre-pandemic methods over those used during the pandemic, as per the study findings.
The hybrid teaching method shows higher learner satisfaction levels compared to face-to-face teaching, as per the study analyzing student acceptance of different teaching methodologies.

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