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How does the use of microlearning environments affect the effectiveness of MANOVA in assessing learning outcomes? 

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The use of microlearning environments has shown promise in enhancing learning outcomes. Research suggests that microlearning can be more engaging and efficient compared to traditional learning methods . Additionally, microworlds, which are a form of microlearning, have been found to significantly impact knowledge acquisition when combined with cognitive teaching methods . However, the effectiveness of microlearning assessments in measuring progress and informing subsequent steps is crucial in ensuring their impact on learning outcomes . Moreover, the learning environment, which includes micro learning environments, plays a significant role in healthcare education and student outcomes . Therefore, incorporating microlearning environments effectively can positively influence the effectiveness of MANOVA in assessing learning outcomes by providing engaging, efficient, and impactful learning experiences.

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Rita Fennelly-Atkinson, Renee Dyer 
09 May 2021
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