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How does timer affects attentional tasks? 

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The interaction between timing processes and attentional tasks is intricate. Studies suggest that attention allocation impacts time estimation, with less attention to temporal parameters leading to shorter perceived durations. Different attentional strategies, such as gaze fixation variations, can be employed during timing tasks without affecting the subjective equality of time perception. Concurrent nontemporal tasks can interfere with timing, causing temporal productions to become longer and more variable, especially with higher task difficulty levels. The cognitive load from non-temporal tasks can perturb cognitive timers, affecting time perception. These findings highlight the complex relationship between attention, timing, and cognitive processes, emphasizing the need for further research to understand the underlying mechanisms and implications for task performance.

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Open accessJournal ArticleDOI
Zhigang Gao, Peifeng Zhang, Haixia Xia 
2 Citations
Not addressed in the paper.
The model proposes that attention-based synaptic noise impacting the pacemaker circuit alters time perception during attentional tasks, independent of specific timing systems.
Concurrent timing tasks can interfere with attentional tasks, causing temporal productions to become longer and more variable, especially with difficult nontemporal tasks, suggesting shared specialized processing resources.
Timing tasks can influence attentional mechanisms by affecting eye movements, pupil diameter, fixation time, response latency, and cognitive strategies without altering the actual timing performance.
The timer affects attentional tasks by influencing subjective duration judgments; less attention to temporal parameters leads to shorter perceived durations due to attentional shifts and expectancy.

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