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How effective are current policies and programs aimed at reducing homelessness in Norway? 

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Current policies and programs aimed at reducing homelessness in Norway have shown varying degrees of effectiveness. Interventions such as high intensity case management, Housing First, Critical Time Intervention, and others have demonstrated positive outcomes in reducing homelessness and improving housing stability . The discourse surrounding homelessness policies in Norway involves experts within epistemic communities contributing to shaping these strategies . Over the past two decades, there has been a redefinition of homelessness in Norway, shifting from a social problem to a more nuanced understanding . Additionally, humanitarian social service provision to homeless EU migrants in Oslo has been analyzed, highlighting the challenges faced by individuals with weak affiliations to the formal labor market . Further research is needed to determine the most effective approach among the various interventions available.

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The paper discusses the redefinition of homelessness in Norway through enumeration, indicating a shift in approach. Current policies' effectiveness in reducing homelessness is not directly addressed in the paper.
Not addressed in the paper.
Not addressed in the paper.
Epistemic communities shape discourse on homelessness policies in Norway, enhancing effectiveness through expert interactions. The paper does not directly assess the current effectiveness of policies and programs.
Current policies to reduce homelessness have evolved over time. The effectiveness in Norway is not directly addressed in the paper, focusing on strategies and gaps in research on combating homelessness.

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